
[作品解說] 鋼琴變奏曲 PianoForte

作品名稱鋼琴變奏曲 PianoForte

The title comes from the single sound source of the piece-Piano(Forte),which characterizes the work. The title also denotes the dynamic contrasting heard throughout the piece (i.e.soft-piano v.s. loud-forte) being as one of the prominent features of the work. The thought of constrainting sound source and samples being recorded in small portion is to work closely to sound, to examine the tension of sound, to investigate and explore the possible transformation of sound, and to develop unique timbres and sonic gestures.
The source recordings were manipulated and transformed by using several software written for both windows and macintosh platforms including SoundHack, Metasynth, Audiomulch, Audition,and GRM Tools etc. The processed sounds were then organized(E. Varèse) in a manner of micro-montage mixage(H. Vaggione) to create an artistic interest work.
The work was created and finished at the Computer Music Studio at National Taipei University of Education between September and Mid-October in 2008. It has been selected and premiered at Beijing 2008 International Electro-acoustic Music Festival in China.
